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January 25, 2011

YOU aren't perfect, so don't expect to get a perfect spouse

I am suppose to write about my birthday wishes, resolution of the year and all since I had passed my birthday last week. But since everything is postponed, so I guess the article about those things can wait as well...

Huh, tajuk post kali ni is a bit sharp and annoying kan? Well, I was just finished chatting with someone, asking me to find a partner for her. And for the record, this has been the 4th time people asking me to be their match maker.... Hahahaha.... (Aku ni terer sangat ke? Kalau terer takla aku sambung master buat bio. Better buka agensi. Haha).. Honestly, I am not suitable for this job. Simply becoz I don't usually mind people personal life, and I dont have any candidate for them... But Iman knows who's the best person yang suke kerja2 mengmatch making orang ni... Right Iman? Hahahah

All I can say is, sometimes (or all the time), we have certain criteria of who's gonna be our partner/spouse. And most people put a very high standard and/but stiff justification upon their Mr./Ms right. It's good to aim high. But first thing we must consider is our own selves. We want a Mr/Ms perfect, but are we perfect enough? are we good enough?

Being good is not just about finding a good person for us. Meaning, it shouldn't be "we have to be good SO THAT we can get a good spouse". Indeed, We HAVE to be good and InsyaAllah we could get a good spouse...Some ppl that i know, they are so good, but Allah test them with a bad spouse... -->Berdoalah supaya dapat spouse yang baik ekk. Hehehe...

Some ppl wanna look good so that they can catch ppl's attention (especially the one that they love). They try to kuruskan badan, buat laser treatment kat muka, tukar imej mengikut yg org suka,etc. But Why? If he/she recognize you than it's good huh? End of story huh? So, ppl aaccept you becoz you are lawa in his/her eyes. Many people who aren't in the list of beautiful person got a wonderful spouse and a blissful marriage ---> Cinta sejati tak memandang paras rupa...

My sister once said that she was frustrated becoz her ex- is now more charming and bergaya lepas clash with her. Macam a bit menyesal la. I asked her directly, 'OK, his personality has changed... But perangai ubah tak?' Than she said 'donno, rasa mcm biasa je mcm dulu gak'... See, again ppl always look at the physical appearance as 1st reference. Since I know her ex- and I know my sis very well, so I spoke directly in front of her face 'Kalau muka je dah cantek, tapi perangai still jaha**m buat pe? blah blah blah' (takmo citer semua nnt korang bohsan dgr saya membebel. Hehehe)

I didn't say that physical appearance is not important. It IS important. But is should come together with inner side. Behavior. Janganla selekeh je. Dalam Islam sendiri Allah suke kecantikan. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder right? Cantikkan diri dengan fizikal yang cantik dan juga perangai yang menarik.... (Faham tu Xiet, jangan pandai tulis je. Hehehe)

Perhaps, in your life, there's someone yang almost perfect came to u. Maybe he/she has almost everything: Good looking, rich, brilliant, bright career and future, kind, generous, etc.... But still, you reject that person and takmo dia jadi your spouse. Why? maybe becoz of just 1 weakness yang ada dalam diri dia, but unfortunately, that 1 weakness is so important until ia menutup kelebihan2 lain yang ada pd diri org tersebut....Or maybe becoz of no reason at all but you just dont think and feel that he/she is the right person for you...

But later in your life, you may find other person yang not as perfect as the previous one. But you accept that person becoz he has no weakness that you couldnt take. And you are happy with that person even though he/she is not as perfect as the previous one.

Sometimes when bad things happen between you and your spouse, you might mengenang2 and membanding beza, and with syaitan's help, you might starting to ask "Why lah I dont accept the previous person?" And suddenly, you forgot about that 1 weakness yang buat you reject that person in the very 1st place....

If this thing has ever happen to you, remember that even though your spouse isn't as perfect as every other ppl that you know in the entire world, but he's the one that you chose to be your life partner, and he has done so many things to make you happy.... Yes he's not perfect, but so are you... You and your spouse complement each other....

And tak semestinya orang yang dilihat sempurna itu mampu memberi kebahagiaan yang kita impikan.

Menerima seseorang itu adalah apabila kita mampu menerima kelemahan2 nya. Bukan kerana segala kelebihan yang dia ada....

Pssstttt.... I'm 27. And I'm married.....sealed & case closed =)


  1. wao! entry comeback tak boleh belah!!! sangat lah gerek seyhhh entry ni okeyh! hahaha..

  2. uihh..
    nama aku naik skali..
    p/s: aku tau. aku tau.

  3. weyh..
    aku tak kasi list of criteria kan???
    hak hak hak..

    p/s: eh,bilenye aku lantik hg jd match maker aku?

  4. MIA: Hehehe... tau xpe... hakikat kehidupan tu =p
    IMAN: Entahnye, hang ada mkn cili ke? hehehe... Hg tak mtk jie jd match maker pn, tp utk hang, if g ada calon, jie sudi jadik.. Hahaha

  5. But Iman knows who's the best person yang suke kerja2 mengmatch making orang ni... Right Iman? Hahahah~ pstt..iman, betul ke hang tau ni? sape ha?? haha..sebuk je ek...

  6. alah wafa pn tau jugak.... right iman? Hehehe....Tp xpe fa, xigt pn xpe...psst wafa, xde ke calon utk iman? (amatlah bercanggah dgn kenyataan ku di atas yg xsuke interfere ppl's psonal lofe. Hehe)

    Actually, honestly, Xiet suke kalau dpt tolong org...cume sayang nye takde calon buat org2 yg minta tlg tu... Huhuhu...calon2 ny dah dikebas org,cthny wafa... Tetttt....gurau je wafa,jgn repot kat cik abg.Hehe

  7. hai lah macik macik bertiga ni.. sapa nak calon, PM me. bagi resume ke saya! saya ada ramai calon ni! sunggoh!!

  8. weyy...hg ni mmg bercanggah!
    jap ckp 'her'..
    pastu, calonnya dh dikebas, contohnya wafa.
    adakah kawan itu adalah 'GAY'???
    opss...syashul2 (terbiase). i mean, 'LES'???

    Wafa dah lupa kawan la. dia x igt semuanya...

  9. woit..hg silap paham...wfa lah yang mengkebas calon...Bukannya wafa dikebas...Hahahahaha

    yg 4 org tu laki ada,pompuan pn ada....oh, br teringat..bolh la msukkn hg dlm snarai calon pompuan kpd kwn2 lelaki yg mtk tlg carikkn tu...bolh,bolh? bdk xckup umuq la iman...bawah pd usia hg!

    Mia: Wah, maju ke bisnes agensi anda? Hihihi,....cari la utk cik Mia dulu k...Hehehe

  10. hangpa ni mcm2..masih spt dulu, huhu rindu sgt.ingat sy dlm doa ye^_^

    iman: wfa ingt la kat semua kecuali org tu kot,=P. Moga iman cepat dpt jodoh, yg terbaik, sbb iman mmg baik (bukan ayat bodek ye, sungguh2 ni tau)^_^

    xiet:senang citer, jgn kebas laki org, tak baik tau. So, kita kena jga laki masing2 kan?, haha (ape punya nasihat daa)

  11. aku br nak cakap mende yg sama utk cik mia..
    lelaki keliling pinggang yee..

    weyh gie..hg ni, jgn la jatuhkan air muka aku.. aku tak desperate lagi.. aku suruh hg doa ja.. hehee

  12. Iman: xjatuhkan air muka hg..tau hg mmg xdesperate gatai nk nyebok hal hg..Hehehe..ok la.xletak la nm hg dlm snarai (lgpn mmg xsesuai ngn hg.biaq hg carik sndr...hehehe)

    wafa: Ye, pling penting kpd yg diluar sn, jgn kebas bini org gak. Hahaha

